In the world we live in today, feeling anxiety, depression or some kind of illness related to our mind is more common than we all think, I am sure that more than one person around you experiences something like this, or even you will feel identified.
Symptoms can begin in childhood or adolescence and continue into adulthood. When I was little my mother always told me to slow down, not to be so crazy about doing things, to stop running everywhere, I always took it as a characteristic of my way of being, but I never thought it had a relationship directly with everything that would come later.
You are not going to believe me if I tell you that my parents took me to a psychologist, psychiatrist, neurologist, family talks and a thousand things to discover how my way of thinking and seeing the world worked, doctors prescribed me and gave me many antidepressants and anxiolytics, which of course I always disagreed with using it since I don't like it and have never liked conventional medicine.
Occasional anxiety is a normal part of life. However, people who suffer from anxiety disorders frequently have intense, excessive and persistent worries and fears about daily situations, this generates not wanting an active social life and increasingly shutting themselves in their own bubble and creating a great shield to not go out damaged.
There are often repeated episodes of sudden feelings of intense anxiety and fear or terror that peak within minutes (panic attacks).
I know how difficult it is to control such a feeling, even at this moment I feel a degree of anxiety when writing these words, I know what it feels like, that is why I try to share this with you, so that you know that we are all together and we must support us.

Feelings such as depression, anxiety and panic interfere with our daily lives, they are difficult to control, they are disproportionate compared to the real danger, they appear suddenly and can be there for a long time, that is why in order to prevent these feelings, It may happen that we avoid certain places or situations that can further increase that feeling of anguish that squeezes our throat and accelerates our pulse.
The main purpose of this post is to show you that there are more people feeling and experiencing the same concerns, the same fears and the same feeling of anguish that dries up your throat, but despite everything they do not give up, they wake up every day convinced that that one day everything will change, they continue to search for their inner peace, fighting for their goals and dreams.
como la enfrentamos
If you have not noticed, generally a person with depression or anxiety is directly related to being overweight and this is due exclusively to low self-esteem and how little he values himself, he always thinks that what he does is not enough and minimizes all his achievements and this usually makes us create bad eating habits.
All I tell them is why it is what I felt every day and that to this day I feel it from time to time, but the difference is that I learned to control them, accept them and use them in my favor.
The first thing we must do is recognize that these feelings are part of the body's normal response to a challenge we are experiencing. They disappear by themselves, they are not harmful, they do not have to be bad, much less do us physical harm. The next time you feel them, try to detect them without being disturbed by their presence. Accept them. Let them be there. You don't have to make them disappear. But you shouldn't give them your full attention either. See if you can make them fade into the background.
Dare to face these feelings, make them understand that it is your body, your temple and that they are only passing through and must respect you, that they understand that you are the boss. Learning to deal with anxiety requires time and patience, it is not easy. Above all, it requires practice and a willingness to face the situations that make anxiety appear. Start with a small step. The more you practice, the better your ability to handle anxiety.
Don't PROCRESTIN! Procrastination will make you leave your homework until the last minute and this will generate additional stress in your life and will directly affect your hours of sleep and anxiety. On a blackboard he writes all your obligations for the week, arranges them in order of importance and decrees a time for each one.
Having a balanced diet, eating fruit, drinking water, reducing salt and sugar consumption, preferring fresh and unpackaged products, using olive oil in your preparations and that they are always grilled or baked
Practice a sport that you like, go to the gym, move, don't stay thinking too much, having an active life is one of the keys to raising your self-esteem and energy.
Meditation is a fundamental tool, for at least 5 minutes every day, ideally in the morning, fasting, just drink a glass of water when you wake up and find a comfortable place, where you feel relaxed and connect with yourself to analyse what is coming, leave your mind blank and stop running for a moment.
BE HAPPY, smile and enjoy more, take advantage of the simple things in life, go for a joyful walk, the one who smiles lives longer.
As a conclusion, we can conclude that the best way to combat anxiety and depression is to love and respect who you are, do what really makes you happy, eat well, think positive and lead an active life.